Unlocking the Circular Economy Potential For a Global Sustainable Future

[ESSAY SUBMISSION] Greetings, changemakers! UI Youth Environmental Action 2021 are proud to remind you that we are still accepting submissions for our essay competition! This year, we’re holding a competition under the grand theme of “Unlocking the Circular Economy Potential For A Global Sustainable Future” Our grand theme is completed with three sub-themes, namely: 1) Circular industrial waste 2) Circular food production 3) Sustainable infrastructure Don’t hesitate to register yourself now through uiyea.org/conference For further instructions, you may access the official guidebook through bem.ui.ac.id/The10thUIYEAEssayGuidebook Don’t miss out on the opportunity! The world needs all of your brilliant thoughts and solutions. For more information, you can follow us through: Instagram: @uiyea Twitter: @uiyea_official Website: uiyea.org Line: @ddq7637e LinkedIn: UI Youth Environmental Action Phone: +6285156485466 (Larissa) ____ The 10th UI YEA #UnlockingIdeasMakeItCircular #DepartemenLingkunganHidupBEMUI2021

  • 05/07/2021 s/d 21/08/2021
  • WIB - 23:59:00 WIB